Thrive amid the Pandemic - Workplace Communication Through Videos

Communication / Video

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Thrive amid the Pandemic - Workplace Communication Through VideosBackground Dots

The pandemic left a massive impact on the global workforce in more ways than one, primarily in the lives of millions of employees, now confined to their homes. Aside from the change in the daily workload, staff constantly face new challenges such as finding motivation, keeping their morale, and boosting productivity in the work-from-home setup.

Similarly, employers are faced with new challenges. Now, they must navigate new ways to communicate with their employees effectively. Even with many instant communication tools online, some organizations remain struggling to communicate. Video services come into play to provide a new dimension in effective team communication—here’s a quick guide to help you understand its role better. 

Every Thought Counts

The success of every project is entirely dependent on the employees' needs and concerns in times of crisis. Everything counts when it comes to the welfare of the workers, so it’s essential to make them feel safe amidst the time of fear, uncertainty, and disruption.

Companies around the world have found ways to help their employees. For example, Starbucks now offers free therapy to all its workers to ensure their mental wellness. Amazon launched a $25 million relief fund for all delivery drivers and seasonal employees. 

The Importance of Communication in the New Work Setting

In these trying times, employees need a leader, and they need to hear their voice. They want affirmation and security that whatever happens, their employer will never leave them hanging.

To achieve this, the company must work on the leadership structure and establish a robust internal communication system that supports everyone and puts their mind at ease. This builds a great sense of hope and trust.

Changes During the Pandemic

Communicating amid the pandemic isn't similar to any other crisis a company would face. Aside from personal concerns brought by trying to balance work and life, there are more challenges such as:

  • Which platform should you use? There is a lot on the market depending on the company's needs. It can be an internal portal, email, instant messaging, collaboration, or corporate social media.
  • How often do meetings happen? Of course, employers' dilemma is maintaining strong communication while avoiding intrusion in workers' personal life. It can be once a week, month, or quarter.
  • Which platform has the best features? Which among text, video, audio, or webinars is the best channel to communicate to employees? One can figure it out by experimenting or through surveys.
Business lady talking on a video conference call

Staying Connected Through Videos

Establishing workplace connections requires ongoing engagement. Paul Argenti, Professor of Corporate Communication at Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College, proves that a "highly visible location" is vital in communication information during the pandemic and should occur every other day.

The information should include updates relevant to the organization and the employees' personal and professional life. The most effective way to communicate the message is through videos. It has been proven that internal communications using videos earn three times more click-through rates than other formats.

Videos convey authenticity through facial expression, tone, and body language, giving employees a sense of intimacy. This is also a great way to exhibit credibility, understanding, empathy, and transparency that everyone needs during a crisis.

Communication Is Key

COVID-19 brought immeasurable challenges to the workplace sector, but nothing beats the voice of a true leader and a solid internal communications framework to support employees during adversities. All these can be communicated through video, which has become an undeniably powerful tool. 

For the best commercial video production solutions, Mustard Productions is your best choice. We are a full-service video production agency in Calgary, ready to team up with your people to create engaging video content. Contact us today for a free quote!