How Often Should You Upload Videos to Social Media Platforms

Social Media / Process

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How Often Should You Upload Videos to Social Media PlatformsBackground Dots

When it comes to video marketing, one important factor to consider is how often you should upload new videos. There is no magic number when it comes to this, as it will vary depending on your goals and your audience. However, there are some general guidelines you can follow to help you determine the best frequency for your video marketing strategy.


Post Once a Day: Facebook and Instagram

Social media sites like Facebook and Instagram are best suited for one video per day. If you plan to post more than once a day make sure that you videos are unique, otherwise, you may lose your followers' attention. As your followers scroll through their News Feeds, they will likely skip over a video they think have already seen.

iPhone on desk opening Twitter

Post Twice a Day: Twitter

If you plan to post twice a day, your tweets should alternate between video and text when ever possible. If you only post videos to Twitter, your followers may not see your tweets because they won’t scroll halfway down the TL to watch your video.

Post Twice a Day: Snapchat

For Instagram and Facebook, once is enough. However, Snapchat can benefit from posting as much as twice-daily. If you are just starting out on Snapchat, you should post up to two videos per day if you want to grow your profile fast.

You can post more than two, but your audience will likely get turned off by excessive Snapchat posts. If you post five times a day or more, you should consider changing your strategy or sharing to multiple social media platforms.

Post Once Weekly: YouTube

YouTube is much more forgiving regarding the number of videos you can post per week. You can post as often as you want as long as you’re not overwhelming your audience with too many videos. You also need to consider how many people you want to reach and how long your videos are. A video that is short and concise is much more likely to be seen than a longer video with a lot of different topics.

Social Media and Videos

Different social media sites are best suited for different types of videos, so you will likely want to post on multiple platforms to see what works best for your audience. 

For example, Instagram is the best social media site for storytelling and behind-the-scenes videos. Facebook is great for branded content and product videos, while Twitter is best suited for teasers or entertaining clips. YouTube is another great platform for product or behind-the-scenes videos, or if you want to post longer educational or how-to videos.

The Bottomline

In today’s social media world, posting videos is important to get your content out to a broader audience. It proves you’re an authority in your industry and someone willing to put in the work to educate your audience. As you can see, posting videos multiple times a day on Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter is essential, but only once a week on YouTube.

These are general guidelines; however, if you want to reach a larger audience, you must focus on your strategy. Does your audience prefer to learn visually? Or do they prefer text? Or does your audience like watching videos that are longer, such as 10 to 20 minutes? 

The answers to these questions will help you decide how often to post videos so your audience sees them.

Mustard Productions is a full service video agency in Canada. We produce engaging and effective video content. Get in touch with us today.